Sunday, November 30, 2014


Over the past several weeks since I announced the beginning of the new series, I have been trying to figure out how to come up with an offering for those who wish to have a watercolor portrait done of their pet's eyes.  

My neighbor Bob, who owns Isabelhelped me to see how powerful the image of the eyes of the beloved pet can be to the owner of that pet.

I had shown Bob the first pet's eyes painting of my sweet cat, Boo.  I mentioned my interest in doing a painting of Isabel's beautiful eyes.  He indicated a desire to purchase it when it was finished.  So when it was done, I took a photo of it and emailed it to him while he was at work. His response was "I love this.  Has your artwork ever made anyone cry before?  Because it happened just now.  Those are the eyes I imprinted on 12 years ago, and now I know I will always have them... you captured something that doesn't come across in photos.  Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.  You are the new trend in animal portraiture!"

I matted and framed the painting for him.

click on image to enlarge

framed size: 13 x 20 inches approx.

For those who are interested in having a Pet's Eyes Portrait of their beloved pet, the cost is $275 matted and framed.  The cost for the painting unframed is $195 (matting included).

Shipping is free within the continental US.  One of the key factors in creating a successful pet's eyes portrait is providing me with a good high resolution photo of the pet's eyes.  Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for completion.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Dog Named River

Recently I received a request to do a drawing by a vet tech who works for a local veterinarian.  The vet had taken in a dog that had serious heath issues.  The vet adopted the dog and gave it the special care it needed to survive.  When the dog did finally pass away, the people who work at the office took up a collection to have a drawing made of the beloved pet.

image size: 9 x 11 inches

click on image to enlarge